



common sense

common sense is a term that refers to the basic level of practical knowledge and judgment that most people need to function effectively in everyday life. it is the understanding of practical matters, based on natural observation and experience, without any specialized training.

common sense is not infallible, and it can sometimes be overridden by more specific knowledge or circumstances. however, it is generally a good guide for behavior in many situations, and is often considered to be a reliable source of advice.

there are many ways to develop common sense, including observation, experience, and education. people can learn from their mistakes and the mistakes of others, and can also acquire knowledge and skills that contribute to good judgment.

common sense is not the same as intelligence or wisdom, but it is an important component of practicality and adaptability. it is often said that common sense is not so common, and this is because people often ignore or underestimate the importance of basic, practical knowledge.

in conclusion, common sense is a valuable asset that can help people make good decisions and solve problems in their daily lives. while it is not a guarantee of perfection, it is generally a good guide for behavior, and can be developed through observation, experience, and education.